Tuesday, November 23, 2010

A-birding we will go!

On this blog we hope to let you get to know all of us here at the Flint RiverQuarium a little better. This post come from the desk of Melissa Martin, Flint RiverQuarium Education Manager.

Well, for those of you that don’t know, I am an avid bird watcher. I am pretty much going to be out observing these beautiful creatures anytime I can. I had an opportunity recently to travel to Eufaula National Wildlife Refuge on the Georgia side. My birding partner and I were there to catch a glimpse of a specific bird, the rare Lincoln’s Sparrow. I had never seen one before, so I wanted to add it to my life list. It had just been found there a few days earlier. We waited and waited. Patience is definitely a virtue in birdwatching! We waited for at least 2 hours beginning half an hour before sun-up. Finally, success! This shy sparrow showed itself with its very subtle coloration and fine streaking that sets it apart from other sparrows. We got good looks, snapped some photos and were off to our next birding adventure!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Welcome to the new Flint RiverQuarium blog! Follow us here to get the scoop on behind-the-scenes happenings and day-to-day operations of the FRQ. It takes a lot of folks with different skills, talents and experience to run an aquarium, and on this blog you will hear from lots of them. From our curatorial staff that work directly with the animals to our dedicated volunteers that choose to spend their time with us, there are lots of stories just waiting to be told here at the Flint RiverQuarium. So, follow us here to get the latest!